The Fight Against Didi Lilo Landfill
According to official figures, 1,300 tons of garbage are brought to the Didi Lilo landfill every day. If we take into account that there are 365 days in a year, it will probably be difficult for us to understand the amount of household waste brought to Didi Lilo.
Waste burns, decomposes, and emits gases saturated with toxins that destroy our health and primarily affect: children, pregnant women, the elderly, or people with various diseases (especially those with cardiovascular and respiratory problems), not to mention the less vulnerable and healthy. Part of the population, whose health is at risk, and in the background of constant, continuous intoxication, sooner or later will surely suffer.
For 13 years, thousands of tons of garbage have been collected in the area where we live and raise our children!
For 13 years, Didi Lilo, once a resort area on the outskirts of Tbilisi, became a sanitary disaster zone; Our health is a victim of this destructive experiment, to say nothing of the real estate, the price of which has halved, because no one wants to buy a land or a house next to a deadly landfill.
The local people, alongside the My City Kills/Green Pole team have been protesting and spreading information about this topic.
in October, a meeting was held with the mayor of Tbilisi, and an agreement was made with the local people to start searching for an alternative place for the landfill.
In November, a tender was announced for the transfer of the landfill to another location, as well as for the improvement of the Didi Lilo area.